What Is Carole Up To Now?

Carole is wandering the world. Having had a couple successful careers, as a software engineer then a technical marketer, it's time to take a sabbatical and plan for the next big thing. New philosphy: "Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death."

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Finishing up for this trip

Well, I have run out of time in Rochester. Have made a good start on clearing out the obvious in the folks house, with the huge exception of Dad's workshop area, gardening area and his work papers, minerals & fossils. The problem now is there's still an awful lot left that the folks won't need (like 3 sets of old china of no particular value, I checked on eBay); their memorabilia; their parents memorabilia, etc. and that is still a big pile of stuff. Now, where to put it?

It will probably wait for a while until I get back; Greg & Andrea can only get to a little bit at a time, between all that they do. They have been doing the day to day running to get things the folks need, managing the bills, sorting out the finances. I may need to get back here soon to help out some more.

Other than the work, it's been a lovely visit. We've had some great dinners, I've played in the yard with Gavin, board games with Gavin, and took him to the movies. I have enjoyed being here & helping out.

Now, on to Boston for a couple days to visit my best friend Maggie. Then back to Munich.


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